Friday, February 25, 2011

Science Help At Home

Sometimes parents express an interest in helping their child at home with science but just don't know where to begin. The way we teach science is a very hands-on and interactive approach. Although research definitely has it's place in science, the emphasis is more about being engaged in "doing" science and less on reading from the science text book. This approach is fantastic because it provides students with a meaningful experience at being a scientist. We realize that this approach can also be challenging when parents would like to help support their child in developing into a scientific thinker. We hope that this list of suggestions will help support your efforts at home when working on science.
1. Be familiar with your child's science standards. Visiting this link will help you understand what your child is expected to know at each grade level.
2. Go to the local library to check out some Outstanding Science Trade Books. Reading any science books, even if it is not the the current topic of study, will help your child become a more critical science thinker.
3. Conduct simple science experiments at home.
4. Understand misconceptions in science so that you can help your child understand the concepts correcly.
5. Visit the science links provided on our blog. The Gizmos provides fantastic online simulations that power inquiry and understanding.
6. Always, show a positive attitude towards science even if it may not be your favorite subject.

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