Tuesday, November 3, 2009

We're Ready for Thanksgiving!

We worked hard to get ready for our first fieldtrip, The First Thanksgiving, in class. We learned about primary and secondary sources while we researched the first Thanksgiving. We worked hard on social studies and technology (yes, technology) standards to share some of what we learned. Check out our responses below in the form of a song, rap, or news report. (Students who referred to themselves by name in their skits have chosen an alias for Internet safety.)

First Thanksgiving Responses from 2nd grade from Melissa Ross on Vimeo.

Want to do a little more research at home? Check out the links below that we used in class.

Leave us a comment and let us know what you think. :)


  1. Wow! That was the best video I've ever seen. I loved all the raps and songs and I learned so much about Thanksgiving!! Thank you my little Turkeys for sharing with me and anyone else who has internet access!

    Love ya!

  2. Parker And Piper RossignolNovember 4, 2009 at 4:14 PM

    That video we made is so cool! ! !

    We love it ! ! !

  3. That video is super super cool! I love having you as my teacher. Thank you very making a video of us. I had fun making it.

  4. Loved the video!! Very Cool!!
    I even tried my hand at being the "First Historian." Thanks for including the link. That was really fun!

    Mrs. Tamburrino

  5. I loved Making the 2nd grade videos for Thanksgiving! It was Sooooo fun!


Please remember when leaving a comment on this blog not to use student last names and not to publish a specific name with an individual picture for safety reasons. (For example, if there is a blog post about Chet and a student, please don't comment using that child's name - "Chet, looks like you had a great time with Bob.")